Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

testis (par) ♂

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Home page TAH partonomy
Top level systema genitale masculinum ♂ Short Extended
Level 2 organa genitalia masculina interna ♂ Short Extended
Current level testis (par) ♂ Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
7210 3273 tax
testis (par) ♂ ; orchis (par) ♂
testis (pair) ♂
19914 3274 tax
extremitas superior testis (par) ♂ ; polus superior testis (par) ♂
upper pole of testis (pair) ♂; superior pole of testis (pair) ♂
19915 3275 tax
extremitas inferior testis (par) ♂ ; polus inferior testis (par) ♂
lower pole of testis (pair) ♂; inferior pole of testis (pair) ♂
19899 3276 tax
facies lateralis testis (par) ♂
lateral surface of testis (pair) ♂
19897 3277 tax
facies medialis testis (par) ♂
medial surface of testis (pair) ♂
75128 3278 tax
margo anterior testis (par) ♂
anterior border of testis (pair) ♂
75129 3279 tax
margo posterior testis (par) ♂
posterior border of testis (pair) ♂
19812 3290 tax
mediastinum testis (par) ♂
mediastinum of testis (pair) ♂
76512 3292 tax
lobuli testis (par) ♂
lobules of testis (pair) ♂
# lobulus testis ♂
# lobule of testis ♂
19814 3291 tax
septulum testis (par) ♂
septum of testis (pair) ♂
77298 3293 tax
parenchyma testis (par) ♂
parenchyma of testis (pair) ♂
19826 3294 tax
tubulus seminifer contortus (par) ♂
convoluted seminiferous tubule (pair) ♂ ; seminiferous tubule (pair) ♂
19827 3295 tax
tubulus seminifer rectus (par) ♂
straight seminiferous tubule (pair) ♂
19834 3296 tax
rete testis (par) ♂
rete testis (pair) ♂
19081 3297 tax
ductuli efferentes testis (par) ♂
efferent ductules of testis (pair) ♂
16412 tax
layers of testis (pair) ♂
17 lines
76.5 %
41.2 %
13 partial items
34 entities
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 3273
Sublist 1 16412 laminae testis 32/11 on 27.6.2024
Subtotals subchildren 32 subunits 11
Proper children 33
Number of children 65 (validated)
Proper units 11
Number of units 22 (validated)
Signature 14249 (validated since 27.6.2024)
Date: 27.06.2024